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OSDD-1b systemcollective name :: SCRINIARII
collective pronouns :: he/it
alter count :: 10+we generally DON'T age regress and are in the late teens+ range, if we do regress, it's likely a younger version of our current host (andrew)

host :: andrew [he/it]frequent fronters :: andrew [he/it], wyatt [he/it], anthony [he/him], evan [he/him], niall [he/it], HABIT [he/it]extra :: jason fronts during medical or otherwise heavy work stuff
wyatt is a persecutor and tends to be less understanding and sympathetic
frequent combinations :: andrew + anthony, andrew + evan, evan + jason, anthony + niall

alters are often triggered out by specific interests, pictures, videos, etcof course, some are triggered out by traumatic events, or otherwise tense situations such as through angerdifferent alters may front during depressive or manic episodes, depending on whichall of us are masculine leaning, so if unsure on pronouns, go with he/him